Our members dogs are from a wide range of backgrounds and breeds. Here are some of their stories
Kelley and Yogi
Hi my name is Kelley and I have been attending the Logan all breeds club for 9 1/2 months with my dog Yogi.
Yogi is a two and half year old Great Dane x Bull Arab x Wolfie and we began our journey here as he needed to learn some manners and Gain confidence in social situations.
In the beginning Yogi began his journey wearing a muzzle as he showed fear reactive behaviours and I did not trust him with people he did not know in a social environment. He would react to unfamiliar noises people and other dogs Who snarled,barked and lunged at him ,he also could be overwhelmed with excitement and frustration.
So we started at Logan all breeds they taught me skills to read and manage his behaviours.
We have been attending classes every Monday and Friday and over this time with commitment and dedication from myself and all trainers I now have a dog who doesn’t where our muzzle and can be in a social environment.
Yogi’s now showing more confidence with people and other dogs.
With the guidance of the Logan all breeds team I am now confident in reading my loving boys behaviour and he can now be off lead in classes and he now can sit ,stay ,stand and do many other things.
Coming here is the best thing we have ever done and it shines through yogi’s personality.
I would highly recommend that if you have a problem with your dog don’t give up there’s hope and come down and join up.
I guarantee with dedication and hard work you can achieve results and it’s never too late for your dog to change.
From the bottom of my heart we thank you all.
Sincere thanks Kelley and Yogibear.
Contact Information
Contact Name:
Laura Schimke
Gould Adams Park Kingston Road
Kingston, QLD 4114
Postal Address:
PO Box 23
Kingston, Queensland, 4114
Mobile: 0415 611 121